Why Worry?

Have you ever thought that there was something in the system that was not quite right? Have you ever thought that you were being deliberately mislead? We think that you should worry about these things. Not only these things, but in fact all things. We are still compiling the list of things to worry about and urge you to add your own worry so that it can be exhaustively studied.


We think (nut we are not absolutely sure) that there are those in a position of power who do not use their powers for good all the time. I know that this news will be astonishing to some; after all who could possibly suspect powerful people of behaving unfairly? This is something that we worry about.


We also worry that we are powerless to do anything about it. To other main organisations, Qunts and Wanqus are both on record saying that a bunch of liberal twaqus cannot be trusted with organising salad, let alone the country, but we think that they may be wrong.

Be Worried

We think that people should be worried about all aspects of their lives, from waking up in the morning, to going to bed at night. We have working worry groups dedicated to these two subjects and many others.